Around the South Pacific Division

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District has approved a proposal to temporarily extend the amount of time the Salt River Project can hold water in a portion of the Flood Control Space at Roosevelt Dam in Arizona from 20 to 120 days....
Programs Delivery Analysis Division Aims to Drive “Winning” Projects & Programs Delivery at SPD
On the medal’s front is “A Memorial and Reward for Courage and Boldness” in Latin. In the center appears the image of a helmeted soldier standing amidst the ruins of a fort, holding in his right hand an unsheathed sword, and in his left the staff of...

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South Pacific Division News

Contracting in Disasters: What Companies Can Do To Help

Published March 21, 2020

MEMORANDUM FOR Prospective United States Army Corps of Engineers
SUBJECT: Message from the Director of Contracting                   
1. I want to make sure that everyone understands the first steps in doing business with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and the Government, is for your company to register with ( Within is the Disaster Response Registry, where you can register your company's unique capabilities (
2. If you are interested in doing business with us, I invite you to our website where you can find more about contracting with USACE and the U.S. Government (
3. If you are registered as a small business, I encourage you to work with our Small Business Program professionals ( You can also work with the Small Business Association (SBA)
4. There are also many subcontracting opportunities for your company, working as a part of the whole to accomplish the mission. This is usually done in partnership with larger companies. The SBA can best help you here.
5. Thank you for your willingness to help the country in its efforts to combat and recover from COVID-19. This is a trying time for everyone.

Director of Contracting

Read full memorandum on Contracting in Disasters from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineering Director of Contracting here. 

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News Releases

Contracting in Disasters: What Companies Can Do To Help

Published March 21, 2020

MEMORANDUM FOR Prospective United States Army Corps of Engineers
SUBJECT: Message from the Director of Contracting                   
1. I want to make sure that everyone understands the first steps in doing business with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and the Government, is for your company to register with ( Within is the Disaster Response Registry, where you can register your company's unique capabilities (
2. If you are interested in doing business with us, I invite you to our website where you can find more about contracting with USACE and the U.S. Government (
3. If you are registered as a small business, I encourage you to work with our Small Business Program professionals ( You can also work with the Small Business Association (SBA)
4. There are also many subcontracting opportunities for your company, working as a part of the whole to accomplish the mission. This is usually done in partnership with larger companies. The SBA can best help you here.
5. Thank you for your willingness to help the country in its efforts to combat and recover from COVID-19. This is a trying time for everyone.

Director of Contracting

Read full memorandum on Contracting in Disasters from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineering Director of Contracting here.