SACRAMENTO, California -- Representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District, Central Valley Flood Protection Board, and San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency today signed a Project Partnership Agreement that signals the next step in efforts to reduce the flood risk for the northern and central areas of the City of Stockton.
“Executing the Project Partnership Agreement for the Lower San Joaquin River Flood Risk Management Project is a monumental step in providing critically needed improvements for the City of Stockton in the northern San Joaquin Valley,” said Col. James J. Handura, commander of the Sacramento District. “We are excited to partner with the San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency and the state of California to reduce flood risk in the region.”
The plan, authorized by Congress in the America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018, will provide flood risk management benefits to over 71,000 acres of mixed-use land with a current population estimated at 160,000 residents and an estimated $21 billion in property. The recommended plan includes North and Central Stockton –Delta Front, Lower Calaveras River, and San Joaquin River levee improvements. The structural features of the plan include approximately 24 miles of levee improvements, and two closure structures (Fourteen-mile Slough and Smith Canal). The non-structural measures include a comprehensive flood warning system, emergency evacuation planning and floodplain management. The project is estimated to cost $1.3 billion with annual benefits of $255 million.
“San Joaquin County has one of the Central Valley’s highest concentrations of people exposed to flood risk,” said Central Valley Flood Protection Board President Bill Edgar. “Financially, the magnitude of needed improvements to flood protection facilities is more than the state and locals can manage on their own. Partnership with the Corps, therefore, is critical to our collective ability to protect residents, more than 160 critical infrastructure sites – including the new VA hospital – and billions in damageable property.”
Currently USACE is completing design of the first planned reach TS30L, located along Tenmile Slough between West March Lane and White Slough west of Interstate 5, and beginning geotechnical analysis and pre-design for up to 10 additional reaches.
“We’re very encouraged by and appreciative of the Corps’ significant investment in the planning, design and construction of critical flood risk reduction projects to protect families, homes, businesses, and vital public facilities in our region,” said Manteca City Councilmember and San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency Board Chair Gary Singh. “Although we still have a long road ahead of us, this first increment of design and construction will go a long way toward increasing our region’s resiliency to flood threats from ever more unpredictable storms and sea level rise.”
“The Department of Water Resources is excited to partner on this critical project to protect people and businesses in the greater Stockton region,” said DWR Director Karla Nemeth. “This project aligns with the state’s commitment of making a more resilient flood system and our collective understanding that we must provide flood protection to those historically marginalized communities who have had to withstand the greatest burden of risk.”