Archive: 2016
  • Corps awards $7.75 million contract for Isabella Lake fire station relocation

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District awarded a $7.75 million construction contract July 19 to Macro-Z Technology Company of Santa Ana for the relocation of the U.S. Forest Service Fire Station in Lake Isabella.
  • Oceanside navigational dredging continues

    Progress on the navigational dredging project within Oceanside Harbor continued this week with the contractor, CJW Construction
  • Corps to conduct blasting operations near Folsom Dam

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District and its contractor Kiewit Infrastructure will conduct blasting operations as part of the Folsom Dam Auxiliary Spillway construction project beginning July 5, forcing short-term closures of Folsom Lake Crossing Road and the American River Bike Trail near the site.