Category: Dams
  • March

    Dambot takes the lead on dangerous assessments

    A U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center team is designing robotic systems to keep humans out of harm’s way. Sounding more like the plot of an action movie than a research and development project, a robotic system known as Dambot takes the human element out of a dangerous but necessary U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) maintenance task. The cutting-edge technology has already been successfully tested and stands poised to change the course of closure gate assessments, while also safeguarding USACE team members.
  • February

    Beekeeping at Trinidad Lake and Dam

    The staff at Trinidad has recently added bee-keeping to their list of ongoing projects. This beekeeping venture is the brainchild of Kyle Sisco, natural resources specialist, Trinidad Lake.
  • July

    USACE-Albuquerque District’s John Martin conduit project results in much needed maintenance and repairs

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ John Martin Dam received significant maintenance and minor repairs in a recently completed conduit project.