Category: Recreation
  • June

    New Interactive Tools in Support USACE’s Recreation Areas

    Through the Natural Resources Management (NRM) support team, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) Institute for Water Resources (IWR) with the Engineer Research and Development Center’s (ERDC) Environmental Lab have implemented new interactive Web tools to support USACE’s recreation areas in response to COVID-19 Pandemic.
  • May

    District park rangers want public to know recreating at Mojave River Dam is not authorized

    LOS ANGELES – As COVID19 state and local government shelter-in-place restrictions loosen, local high desert residents may be for sure heading to their favorite watering hole, known to local residents as the “Deep Creek Spillway” this Memorial Day weekend.
  • Shoreline Habitat Improvement Project at USACE Albuquerque District’s John Martin Reservoir

    John Martin Reservoir has a small nesting population of piping plovers and interior least terns. Both are endangered species and this directed a need for habitat improvement.
  • April

    USACE working with Zion National Park to keep visitors safe

    Imagine an adventurous day of hiking deep into one of Utah’s rugged slot Canyons. Sure it’s a bit cloudy, but rain isn’t forecast in the area for another two hours. What you don’t know, is that it’s already pouring a couple miles upstream with water levels rising fast. And all that water is headed your way.
  • USACE working with Zion National Park to keep visitors safe

    Imagine an adventurous day of hiking deep into one of Utah’s rugged slot Canyons. Sure it’s a bit cloudy, but rain isn’t forecast in the area for another two hours. What you don’t know, is that it’s already pouring a couple miles upstream with water levels rising fast. And all that water is headed your way.