Archive: May, 2020
  • May

    COVID 19: San Francisco District to open public boat ramp at Lake Sonoma May 16

    In accordance with a May 12, 2020 update to the Sonoma County Health Order, Lake Sonoma will start opening parts of the park for public use. The plan is to open the Public Boat Ramp and Marina for lake surface use on Saturday, May 16, 9 AM. The Visitor Center Parking lot will be open for vessel inspections only. At this time, all other recreation areas will remain closed.
  • Corps recruiting efforts shift online during COVID-19

    The Coronavirus Pandemic has greatly affected current practices and procedures for many companies.
  • Corps recruiting efforts shift online during COVID-19

    The Coronavirus Pandemic has greatly affected current practices and procedures for many companies.
  • ERDC delivers augmented reality solutions in the fight against COVID-19

    Scientists and engineers at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) are using augmented reality technology to assist peers throughout the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in virtually conducting site assessments of alternate care facilities (ACFs) across the country. Augmented reality technology, developed by researchers at the ERDC Information Technology Laboratory (ITL), offers a way for the USACE to assess potential ACF locations while assisting with social distancing and safety considerations.